I finally decided to try to breath some life into my weblog again and write some hopefully useful technical articles.
I'm currently planning on concentrating on stuff I find out fiddling with new toys (usually embedded stuff running Linux) or little hints or tricks I'm using when administrating systems.
The content of these articles might not all be new and many people already know about them, but I found it's mostly "advanced" administration stuff many people do not know about and can profit from these.
If there's anything which should be described in more detail or anything else, I'm available on the usual IRC networks (IRCnet, oftc, freenode etc.) as ixs.
The first article explains kpartx and how to use it to access partitions inside full-disk images.
With the release of Fedora 9, anaconda has introduced a new consolidated boot image: "Consolidated network booting ISO image, replacing old boot.iso, diskboot.img, and rescuecd.iso." The problem with this approach is, that the 12MB diskboot.i
Aufgenommen: Jun 21, 18:00