I enjoy you immensly, it's been great meting old friends and making some new ones. Furthermore you are perfect for catching up with some former colleagues, other developers and for talking about lingering issues in a much more sensible setting than a mailing list filled with people with too much time for pointless bickering.
Ignore the people claiming that you're at the wrong time, the wrong location or the wrong anything. Sure, you're not always next door and sometimes you're even at the other end of the world. I won't be attending you in such cases, but there's always a FUDCon closer by which is worth it. Ignore the haters, they are just cramping your style.
But talking about style, I would really, really pretty please with sugar on top have you offering a more relaxed setting for conducting chats between a small group of people or just one-on-one talks. You have something called a lounge, but it's not really conductive for staying longer, the chairs are horrible. And your little brother FUDPub is too wild. No time there.
So please FUDCon, improve your style a bit and make your "lounge" a real lounge. I'll love you for that even more.
I'm thinking about something like that here:
Your biggest fan