Today it's voting day for me. As Hendrik already mentioned, it's time to vote for the European Parliament.
Besides that, I had to fill in three local ballots. One for my town council, and two times for the regional council.
But there's an even more important vote going on: Fedora has three elections running, one for the next Release name, one deciding about 5 seats on the next FESCO and three seats for the Board.
Unfortunately my preferred candidate, Cthulhu, wasn't running for any of the elections which meant I indeed had to settle for the lesser evil.

In case you haven't voted yet, do so at
You can find out about the candidates and their platforms at the nominataion page for FESCO or the nomination page for the Board.
Another good way of understanding the candidates and their intentions is the Questionaire every candidate was asked to fill in. This was the first time we've ever tried gathering questions from the Fedora contributors and submitting them to the candidates. The answers are very interesting and can be found in either plain text or as an OpenOffice Spreadsheet. My suggestion would be to look at the spreadsheet, it's easier to compare the different stances of each candidate.
And then, there are of course the Town Hall Meeting transcripts. The #fedora-townhall is a moderated IRC Chanel where the candidates are taking questions from the audience and try to answer them. The logs can be found on the normal Fedora Election pages.
There are a lot of worthwhile candidates, not the least your's truly. So don't waste your vote.